IKM Services

This list provides an insight into what IKM Solutions can do for you, based on the more frequently requested assignments that we see.  If you have other IM or KM queries please contact us to find out more.

File structure – defining a file structure to suit the various types of filing you may need, including EDRMS, Sharepoint, NTFS or other filestores. We usually examine how these structures relate to paper files and other media.

Metadata standards, and defining adequate elements of metadata to facilitate Search, Retention, and perhaps regulatory compliance.

IM Governance to ensure there are policies and standards to work to, as well as escalation routes for end-users, admin and records managers.

Defining and applying Retention schedules. As information piles up, either physically or electronically, how do you define what to keep and for how long? Some things can be scheduled according to well-defined rules, others require more business insight to determine what is the best policy.

Knowledge capture involves analysis of your business need, then following a methodical route to identify risk, what to capture, when, how and where. There are some tools to help with this, and the best starting point is to understand the risk and therefore the benefits before investing too heavily.

CIO Coaching and mentoring to support key managers who often specialise in other disciplines rather than IM. In many cases the CIO may appreciate occasional support when there are key events, changes in operational focus or changes in the regulation.

Freedom of Information or other compliance healthchecks, working with you to identify current process gaps, benchmarking with other organisations, or assessing resource requirements.