IKM Solutions is dedicated to bringing IM and KM exponents together, to help organisations raise their game.
Our consultants have many years of experience working with industry sectors with significant pressures on information, compliance and regulation.
Our expertise has been gathered within these sectors:
- Defence
- Energy
- Banking
- Regulatory
- Nuclear
- Government
- Local Authorities
Naina has 20 years’ experience of operational and strategic management in a high technology research and development organisation delivering the nation’s strategic defence requirements. After graduating from Brunel University she joined AWE to conduct research on hydrogen storage systems. Naina has experience of leading teams delivering operational requirements working in high hazard facilities and has led complex projects for the design, installation and commissioning of equipment in a new facility. Naina joined the corporate strategy team to develop international interactions, corporate technical strategy and performance management processes. As Head of Information and Knowledge management she developed and delivered a programme which mitigated the risk of knowledge loss in key knowledge domains and established good information management governance and defined the requirements for an EDRMS and SharePoint implementation.
John has wide experience of business reorganisation and IT in both government and commercial settings, and is a leading specialist in Information Management strategy and implementation. He was one of the authoring team for the 2006 AIIM International online training modules and part of the MoReq2 programme. He has worked extensively with large organisations, involving clients such as the UK Ministry of Defence, financial institutions, and Transport for London. He jointly authored the MoD Information Management Handbook and implemented information hubs for MoD in London. He has been involved many times in the practical issues of change management.
After careers in the IT industry and in local government, John worked for Cornwell Management Consultants and Serco Consulting until forming IKM Solutions Ltd to focus more on IM and KM expertise.
Apart from our own skills and experience we work with other specialists to ensure clients have the right balance of cost-effective and experienced support, to the same standards of quality and dedication as ourselves.