External links

These links may be useful to those who are uncertain where to start reading and researching about information and knowledge management

AIIMThe Global Community of Information ProfessionalsAIIM is a not-for profit community, see internal links to various useful resources.
The National Archives – TNAArchive of England, Wales and UK government.  Seen as a source of records and archive guidance and good practiceFollow links for information and knowledge management guidance, records management etc.
TNA – Information MangementFollow links for best practice from TNA, e.g. with Records Management – see e.g. appraisal, redaction, retention
TNA – Digital preservation and PRONOMLook at the PRONOM resource and related topics to understand digital long-term preservation and the work of TNA and others
ISO StandardsLocate relevant standards, e.g. start with ISO-15489 for records management, ISO-27001 for security
European guidelines – MoReq2MoReq2 is a very readable ‘model requirements’ document.  MoReq2010 has also been published – but suggest you start by reading the opening chapters of MoReq2
Information Commissioners Office – ICO, UKA good place to look further into Data Protection (DPA) and Freedom of Information (FOI) issues and guidance